Unlocking the value of health data through blockchain technology

Blockchain strengthens data integrity and patient digital identities in healthcare sector. Moreover, there are several pain points that blockchain can tackle in such as timely reducing access time to patients data, helping system interoperability, enabling real-time updates across network to help with varying data standard, resolving data privacy, inconsistent rules & permissions inhibits the right organization from accessing the right patients data at the right time, cost per transaction… Centiva is a blockchain-based app for consensual sharing of health information between you and trustworthy organizations that give you a fair reward for using your data. The proposition is a distributed and community-owned marketplace for health information that powers a global data-driven healthcare
ecosystem. This is only possible if individuals are enabled and motivated to use digital solutions to make their health-related data shareable and are matched with information seekers who are willing to pay for their data. We addresses three key issues plaguing healthcare that prevent the availability of data to improve treatments and population health: 1) monopolization and fragmentation of health data leading to siloes, and inefficiencies in accessing data by all healthcare stakeholders, 2) lack of consent to use data, and 3) lack of incentives for individuals to digitize their health data. HIT Foundation offers to put the individual in the center of care. It is through the individual and the use of blockchain technology that a meaningful exchange of data can take place in a fair, secure and transparent manner. The individual is the one granting access to his data under a digital contract that determines the conditions of the data usage by information seekers
such as research institutions, policymakers or hospitals.