Ethics Application Form


This announcement was translated by AI from the original Vietnamese.

Ethics Application Form

Announcement from the Ethics Committee of the School of Biomedical Engineering

Students and trainees conducting theses or scientific research involving humans, animals, and biological materials derived from humans and animals must receive approval from the Ethics Committee of the School.

Academic advisors (GVHD) are responsible for informing students and trainees about ethical regulations. Students and trainees must complete the relevant paperwork and submit it to their academic advisors. The academic advisors will then submit the proposal to the Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Committee will convene 1 to 2 times per semester depending on the number of proposals needing review. Students and trainees must present their proposals to the Committee, addressing ethical issues.

For proposals that the School’s Ethics Committee cannot approve, the School will arrange for submission to the National University Ethics Committee for consideration.

Application Form for Experiments Involving Animals: LINK
Application Form for Experiments Involving Humans: LINK