Macromolecular Self-assembly: From Polyethylene to Dendrimer-based Cell-like Mimics

Macromolecular Self-assembly: From Polyethylene to Dendrimer-based Cell-like Mimics The talk will outline research carried out over the past decade with computer simulation techniques aimed at...

Prof. Mark Johnson Abstract

Biomedical Engineering Study of Diseases of the Eye: Previous Successes and New Opportunities Bioengineering methods have elucidated the details of a variety of ocular diseases...

Biosensors based on nanostructured electrodes

Electrochemical analysis is a promising method for biosensing. In our current work, a highly sensitive nanostructured electrochemical biosensor based on a 3D sensing element...

Molecular imaging, prevention and innovative treatment strategies of myocardial infarction 

Myocardial infarction is a major cause of mortality and morbidity. Typically, the underlying disease is atherosclerosis. Over time patients develop atherosclerotic plaques that become...

In Silico Modelling of Soft-tissue Mechanobiology: Now, Then & Next

The structure, function and biomechanical properties of soft-biological tissues (heart, arteries, bladder, tendon, skin etc) are intimately related to their mechanical environment. Understanding this...

Current and future applications of molecular biology in management of cancer with references to current World Health Organization of Classification of tumours

Current and future applications of molecular biology in management of cancer with references to current World Health Organization of Classification of tumours Lam, Alfred...

Unlocking the value of health data through blockchain technology

Blockchain strengthens data integrity and patient digital identities in healthcare sector. Moreover, there are several pain points that blockchain can tackle in such as...

Thanh Duc Nguyen’s Abstract

Abstract The ability to transform medical polymers, commonly used for resorbable surgical sutures, into desired 3D forms/shapes/structures at nano and micro scales with “smart” functions,...