Starting a Business from Simple Real-World Needs

Join the School of Biomedical Engineering for an Exciting Seminar on "Starting a Business from Simple Real-World Needs" Why Attend? Gain valuable insights from KS....

SEMINAR: BMEs in Hospital

Dear Students, The School of Biomedical Engineering is excited to host a fascinating seminar on the operations of a hospital, the roles and functions of...


At 8:00 a.m. December 27th 2022, The BME9 conference has officially taken place with more than 150 participants, including foreign speakers, professors, domestic scientists,...

Introduction of the student exchange program between BME-IU with ATI College, USA

Date: 23/11/2022 Time: 08:00-08:40 -> 09:00-09:40 Room A2-413 The link for google meet: For the information to include: General information about ATI College Scholarships 2023 Entry Requirement For...