At 8:00 a.m. December 27th 2022, The BME9 conference has officially taken place with more than 150 participants, including foreign speakers, professors, domestic scientists, and a large number of students nationwide. 

On the first morning, the BME 9th conference’s grand opening was held in an exciting atmosphere, with speeches of representatives of the BME 9th conference, International University (VNU-HCM), School of Medicine (VNU-HCM) and Vietnam National University HCMC.

In particular, this morning, we also heard three keynote lectures by three experienced professors from University of Pennsylvania (USA), University of Technology Sydney (Australia), and  University of Tsukuba (Japan).

The main program in the afternoon of the Conference’s first day were the parallel session I and parallel session II, with the following topics:

  • Medical Instrumentations 
  • Pharmaceutical Engineering
  • Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
  • AI and Data Science for Health 
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Lab-on-a-chip and Microfluidics


During the conference, participants always seized the opportunity to interact and discuss with domestic and foreign professors. In addition, the reports brought a multi-dimensional and profound perspective to the field of scientific research in the direction of biomedicine. After finishing the first day of the conference, guests were invited to attend an intimate party at Van Thanh Tourist Park.

The conference will continue the next two days – December 28 and December 29 with many fascinating topics. Thank you to all the speakers, teachers, and students who participated today. Let’s look forward to the upcoming events of this year’s conference. 

Some pictures from the conference:

General information about the BME 9th conference:

Time: December 27, 2022 – December 29, 2022

Location: International University – National University, Ho Chi Minh.

More information about BME9:

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